Improvement Area

The Improvement area encourages companies to take steps to continual improve operations by learning from events and through ongoing evaluation of activities and programs.

Key elements of successful Improvement include prompt reporting and sharing of incidents and near misses, establishing verification activities and protocols which include taking action to address identified gaps and trends, and monitoring performance to gain insight into areas of improvement.

OSA Participant Action 4: Apply Reporting, Investigating and Learning Processes, Tools or Methods to Learn and Improve to prevent SIF Events asks Participants to apply reporting and investigative processes, tools or methods when an incident occurs to identify root causes and latent factors.  It should include a process to follow up on corrective actions.

Under OSA Participant Action 6: Improve Effectiveness in Preventing and Mitigating High Consequence Well Control Incidents, Participants will implement an internal method to track well control incidents and lessons learned to prevent future incidents.


The purpose is to pursue continual improvement by learning from events and through ongoing evaluation of activities and programs.

The key elements of a successful Improvement are:

  • Event reporting, investigation and learning
  • Verification and follow up
  • Monitoring and review


Event Reporting, Investigation and Learning

  • Encourage prompt reporting of incidents and near misses
  • Consider organizational and individual factors to identify incident causes, and take appropriate action to prevent future incidents
  • Share incident summaries and learnings with impacted personnel and applicable internal and external organizations

Verification & Follow Up

  • Periodically undertake verification activities
  • Establish protocols, methods, and/ or checklists to aid verification
  • Take action to address identified gaps and trends


Monitoring & Review

  • Establish indicators to monitor performance and gain insight into areas for improvement
  • Engage workforce to understand the way work is done versus how it is planned or required by standards
  • Take action to address identified gaps and trends


The OSA provides resources to support companies as they work to improve their safety performance. 

Improvement Resources