Safety Alerts

The Onshore Safety Alliance uses safety alerts to communicate directly with onshore workers. These one-page incident reports review the details of incidents and near misses, as well as the lessons learned from them, to prompt discussions amongst onshore workers for how a similar incident might be prevented.

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Safety Alerts are a Valuable Learning Tool

Safety alerts play a vital role for the industry in further learning and keeping workers informed of potential risks. OSA participants, as well as anyone within the industry, are encouraged to share with the rest of the industry their knowledge of and learnings from an incident  when it is appropriate to do so.  The OSA provides summaries of these incidents - without attribution to any companies involved.  The below shares focus on the lessons learned and information necessary to prevent the incident from happening again. 


OSA Safety Alerts

2024-001: Overhead Line Safety

2023-001: Fall From Height During Well Intervention Activity