Participant Action 3

Ensure Worker Awareness & Knowledge of Life Saving Actions

Participant Action: 

Require that your employees on location have completed an orientation with a focus on all life saving actions and ask that contractors and subcontractors on their location ensure that their workers have also completed an orientation with a focus on life saving actions.

These life saving actions are commonly grouped in the following categories:

  • Bypassing safety controls
  • Confined space
  • Driving
  • Energy isolation
  • Hot work
  • Line of fire
  • Safe mechanical lifting
  • Work authorization
  • Working at heights

OSA Participant Action 2: Implement a Life Saving Actions Program provides information on LSA programs.  


Implementation Principles: 

  • It is important that all workers are aware of the most critical safety hazards found at their worksites that have caused worker loss of life within the industry and actions they can take to minimize their exposure.  Workers should also have confidence that both they and the colleagues around them have the competency to address potential work hazards.
  • The Onshore Safety Alliance provides flexibility in how a participant meets the objective of this action and does not prescribe or endorse specific commercial orientation or training programs.  Flexibility may include spot checks, audits, contractual arrangements, etc.  The OSA provides guidance on what criteria should be included in LSA orientation and training programs. 
  • Orientations are typically a one-time event. 

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