Root Cause Analysis Methodology

A root cause, simply stated, is defined as a factor that causes a resultant. It is the core issue or the highest-level cause that sets in motion the entire chain of events that ultimately leads to an event.

Root cause analysis (RCA) is defined as a collective term that describes a wide range of approaches, tools, and techniques used to uncover the causes of events. Some RCA approaches are geared more toward identifying true root causes than others, some are more general problem-solving techniques, and others simply offer support for the core activity of root cause analysis.

The easiest way to understand RCA is to think those things we often face. If our car breaks down, we typically have a mechanic diagnose the problem and provide us with a solution. If we get sick, we typically have a doctor diagnose our illness and provide us with some medication. In both cases, the mechanic and doctor are performing root cause analyses to accurately identify the underlying condition to appropriately present a solution to address and prevent the problem from reoccurring.

If the root causes of the car breakdown and health issue are not accurately identified, then issue-related symptoms are treated with ad hoc solutions that don’t prevent/eliminate the problem and merely mask the problem. In these cases, the problem doesn’t permanently go away. RCA looks beyond superficial cause-and-effect and can show where processes or systems failed or caused an issue in the first place.


Root cause analysis is part of a more general problem-solving process and an integral part of continuous improvement. Because of this, root cause analysis is fundamental to an organization’s continuous improvement efforts.

RCA identifies system level causes (beyond human behaviors) that had an effective safeguard been in place, the event outcome would have been mitigated to an acceptable level or prevented from occurring.


Root Cause Analysis

You can learn more about how to conduct a Root Cause Analysis through the link below. 

Root Cause Analysis